Help Me, I'm Scared!!
God made each of us unique. Some of us love snow and some of us prefer the security of warm weather. There are also those of us who love both the beautiful ocean and as summer closes we can not wait until the first snow covers the ground. I am one who cherishes every aspect of God's creation. My heart leaps at the thought of tiptoeing through the warm sand, yet I eagerly dream of the cold winter day when GOD in all His glory spills forth snow from the heavens and surrounds me in a peaceful winter wonderland.
Sharing GODS creation is exhilarating and exciting. God graced us with a beautiful winter wonderland this week. Each of us celebrated His creation in our own unique way. My furry children are no different; three of them loved the snow, yet my 15 year old Cocker Spaniel, Macy said, "Please Mom....get me out of this stuff and let me back inside." My human children gathered their parka's gloves, boots, and raced to the garage to get the sled. They were eager to share this beautiful and amazing snow with our 20 month old granddaughter, Savannah.
Excited to see Savannah as she partook of her first snow, I grabbed my gear and raced outside to find a little girl unsure of her surroundings. From the windows of our home she had watched the snow fall with amazement saying, "WOW" over and over again. Savannah's "WOW" disappeared when she was placed in the snow. She was unsure of her footing and definitely not interested in being pulled around on a big red sled.
I wondered how many of us admire with amazement GODS gifts until they are given to us. We then become unsure and afraid. Can we do this? Are we really on the right track? How can we be sure?
When faced with fear, Savannah lifted her arms toward those she loves and trusts. She knew where to find safety, security, and love. With eyes filling with tears, her little arms reached toward the heavens past her earthly security.
Today, Savannah and I encourage you to seek your Heavenly Father when you are unsure, scared, or faced with uncertainty.
"Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
By His mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,
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