One one might be tempted to think that I would then "have a break" to be minus one child two mornings a week. Picture this: urge brothers to finish breakfast; urge sister to eat something--anything--for breakfast. Change diapers. Take one of the twins to the potty (the other one was having none of it!). Dress both boys, put socks and shoes on both boys. Get jackets on. Load all three children in the car. Are you tired yet?
Each Tuesday and Thursday morning the boys were so excited! They considered these days full of great adventure! They got to ride in Mary's car! They got to go somewhere! Sister and brothers alike made announcements along the route. "There's the school bus people," sister would point out, referring to the children waiting on the corner for the school bus.

"Truck!" one of the boys would shout! "Bus, Mary! Bus," the other would announce. By the time we made it through the neighborhood and on to the main road to head toward

During the fall and winter, we could see the steeple through the trees. Most often, though, we passed several busses, trucks, and "van's like mommy's" by the time we turned onto the road where the church was. "CHURCH!!!" one of the boys bellowed every single time to we turned the corner to pull into the church lot.
The favorite part of the entire trip was the "double bump" right after pulling in to the parking lot (a speed bump). Every time we crossed the speed bump the boys giggled. Every time.
As I was riding to the other side of town today to attend a training, I drove past that same church. I traveled over the James River - very high due to all the recent rainfall. I passed neighborhoods I hadn't seen or noticed previously. I even noticed traffic patterns and places in the road where several inches of the extensive rain we've had lately had pooled.
I was alert and very aware of all the sights along my way. I realized that on a regular work day, I make my trip rather routinely. I don't generally focus on the simple things in my path. I don't make a point to enjoy some of the beauty of the trees, shrubs, gardens and other plants in yards and courtyards, parks and median strips.
So often we just "get through" our daily activities. We forget to stop and admire the beauty God has created all around us. We don't take the time to notice how amazing our world is. We fail to thank God for His world and everything in it. We don't notice the amazing clouds or the glorious sun on the horizon. We take for granted our blessings.
Jesus told us to become like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. Today I was challenged to appreciate my little part of the world and everything in it. Today I remembered to thank God for the little things that make life worth living. Today I remembered three little children who continue to enrich my life!
"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it" (Mark 10:15 NIV)
This reminds me of when I was a kid! It also reminds me of me and my husband in the car today, on a road we hadn't been down in a while. We had fun "shouting" out the new business, or signs that caught our attention.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a touching and moving story. Keeping kids around allows you to truly appreciate the little things in life that they don't take for granted because they are not in such a hurry as we are.
We played a game one time as a family and set out on a drive one day. We would stop at each intersection and have the kids tell us which way to turn, when they wanted to stop and look at something, we stopped. Kids will take you on some of the wildest and fun trips in your life.
They see things past the ordinary. Gotta love it.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
You just made me smile Mary! Today AK told me that Mary goes to the bottom of the hill then turns (2nd left instead of 1st off Starling). At church on Sunday G said bumps and I had no idea what he was talking about, AK explained the speed bumps at school! Every morning we talk about every bus, truck, tractor we pass on the way to daycare! It's good to slow down sometimes...
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing and we miss you!