Monday, December 15, 2008

Cheerios, Bananas -- and Sin?

OK. Bear with me here! It's been a busy morning but my mind keeps going back to this morning's breakfast for the twins. At 23 months, they are desperately trying to be like their 4 year old sister -- I mean they want to do absolutely everything she does!

Well . . . she eats Cheerios in a cereal bowl. Most mornings the boys will snack on dry cereal while their 'real breakfast' is being prepared but this morning, since sister was having Cheerios -- well, I think you can figure it out. They were not happy when I placed a handful of Cheerios on their trays. As soon as they started fussing I knew what was up so I got out two bowls and two spoons and placed one of each on their trays.

The boys immediately began scooping up Cheerios and putting them in their bowls. Then they achieved varying degrees of success in actually scooping the Cheerios up with the spoons and getting Cheerios into their mouths. After about half the Cheerios ended up on their laps, the boys were still pretty hungry so I gave them each 1/2 banana. Out go the Cheerios, into the bowl goes the bananas:-) One twin ultimately gave up and picked up the banana and ate it with his hands then went to work on Cheerios off the tray.

The other twin got more and more frustrated with himself. He finally picked up the bowl and dumped out the banana and replaced the Cheerios. OK by this time, he's pretty upset because he's really hungry and not much food has actually made it into his stomach, let alone into his mouth!

Finally, he picked up the bowl full of Cheerios and held it over his head, intending to make one final angry gesture before he really looses it! Guess what? The Cheerios didn't fall out of the bowl! He was quite surprised - as was I! Fortunately that allowed an opportunity to make a joke and act silly, and remove both mangled banana, Cheerios- adorned cereal bowl and slip some buttered toast on the tray all in one fell swoop.

I don't know why I had this thought in the midst of the breakfast drama, but I imagine God has opened my eyes to see things through a different lens since I decided to start this blog. Think about it. Isn't that how sin is. Once we sin, it sticks to us, hanging on for dear life until we confess it and ask God to swoop it away?!

Like Cheerios sticking to a banana-y cereal bowl, sin just hangs on and no matter how we try to dump it out or throw it off, until we face it, confess it, and ask God to make it right, we're just not going to have peace about it.

God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel.[Acts 15:31 NIV]

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