I haven't made many blog posts this past week or so because I've been caught up in some drama of my own. It's not really my drama, but I took possession of it. I coddled it, nurtured it and fed it all week long!
I allowed some of my coworker's issues to become my issues and so I allowed them to pass along some of their drama to me. I don't know why I allowed this to happen! Well . . . I guess I do! I took my eye off Jesus for a while. Oh, every morning in my prayer time I gave my day to Him and begged forgiveness for taking it back within 2 hours of arrival at work each day.
By Friday I found myself mentally, emotionally and even physically drained. It was about being right! It wasn't about some big cause or a major issue. It was a battle of wills and I just wasn't willing to let it go. Oh my, what a drama ensued!
It wasn't until this morning that I realized I had not taken the high road. I needed to just let "it" go and give it to God. I should have been just focusing on my job, my responsibilities and not taken things so personally. That's what happens when we fail to make God the center of our lives and replace Him with our own egos.
Two-year olds usually recover pretty quickly and get on about the business of living their lives. I need to follow their example, get my sense of humor back and get on with what I need to do.
"How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame ? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods ? Selah" (Psalm 4:2 NIV)
"Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods." (Psalm 40:4 NIV)
Keep your eye on the prize....GOD is doing a great work in you. Do NOT allow satan to steal your joy.
ReplyDeleteI love you and I am praying for you....andrea
We learn from all the mistakes we do, and hopefully, we emerge stronger than before and not commit the same mistakes...by God's grace. Thank you for this post to remind us how important to always have Him in the center of our lives. Driving home from work a while ago, that was the song playing in the radio, "Jesus, be the center of our lives..."God bless sister Mary! Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteI am new to the blog world, but have seen the miracle of the blogging community and prayer in the last two days. Hope you will stop by my blog and pray for little Maggie.