It has been raining for several days in my part of the country. I mean relentless, continual rain! Anyone who cares for little children can learn pretty early on to dread rainy days. Rain means it will be an "inside day."
I'm not a big fan of allowing children to be entertained by hours of television. Even good children's programming can be overdone. But I do take advantage of one or two rainy days in a row by working puzzles with the children, coloring, playing with playdough and yes, getting caught up on the new episodes of Dora, Diego, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and several other favorite programs.
By the third and fourth days, though, everybody is bored. Even a two year old can only tolerate watching the same episode of Dora the Explorer so many times before he loses interest. Those days can be troublesome if I don't have something up my sleeve to entertain everyone.
Follow the leader, making music with household items, doing stickers, pulling out a new puzzle or a new book is a must! The children look to me and rely upon me to keep them from acting up and acting out from boredom and lack of outside play and sunlight.
I get restless like this when I haven't spent enough quality time with God. Even if I do devote some time to prayer and reflection and lean on familiar scripture for encouragement or guidance, sometimes it just doesn't seem to be enough.
When I start getting anxious, allow worry to overtake me I know the "routine" isn't working. When I begin to snap at my husband and be short-tempered in traffic and impatient in the check out line at the grocery store, I begin to resemble a two-year old on the third "inside day" in a row!
Those are the times I need to do more than the routine. That is when I need to open my bible and delve into its wisdom and beauty. I need to turn to God's word to get me back on track. I need to ask God to lead me to a new understanding of the scripture to which He leads me.
I can't control how many rainy days God allows. But I can control my attitude. Just as the children turned to me for guidance and help staying on the right path, I turn to God for His strength and wisdom.
"To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his" (Job 12:13 NIV).
Wow - I could relate to EVERYTHING in this post. We too are going stir crazy with all the rain. (Even hit the mall play land). And I too get "lost" without following God.
ReplyDeleteTo top things off I've caught a cold, so I just feel terrible, dreary, rainy, yucky.
But hopefully the sun will soon re-appear.
Thanks for the post and good advice, Mary! I sent you a note about claiming the book you won.
ReplyDeleteI too find myself in the same shoes as you some days. Even without the rainy days, you can get in a rut. Kids are always looking to you for the source of "something to do!"
I too find that the more I can connect back with God through devotions, emails or the Bible, it immediately changes my outlook on everything else.
Send some of your rain to southern California. We could use it with all our fires now!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat